
  • What the Filter In an Air Conditioner Really Does

    You know you have to change the air filter in your air conditioner every so often, and when you remove the old filter that's covered in dust and lint, it's a relief to get that fresh, clean air filter into the vent. However, if you're changing it only when it's caked with dust, you need to start changing it more frequently. The filter plays three roles in making your life more comfortable.
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  • Debunking 3 Common Myths About Spray Foam Insulation

    Spray foam is a trusted solution for residential insulation that has been the standard for decades. Despite this, a few myths about spray foam insulation are still prevalent. This guide will debunk three common myths about spray foam insulation to help you make an informed decision for your home. Myth 1: All Spray Foam Insulation Is the Same Spray foam insulation may seem like a simple concept, but you still have several choices to make when insulating your home.
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  • Is Your AC Not Blowing Cold Air? 4 Causes

    It can be an uncomfortable experience when your AC does not blow cold air from the vents. Not only will your home's interior be unbearable, but it will also cause your utility bills to spike. Therefore, you must schedule an appointment with an AC professional to conduct a diagnostic, establish the root cause, and make repairs or replacements for optimal cooling power. The following are some of the causes why your AC is not blowing cold air.
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  • Don't Be Left in the Heat — Use an Authorized Air Conditioning Contractor

    It's the middle of summer, and your air conditioning has just given out on you. Chances are you wish you had used an authorized air conditioning contractor to install your AC unit in the first place, but now it's too late! How can you avoid this same situation in the future? Here are some reasons for choosing an authorized air conditioning contractor to ensure quality work. 1. Insights by Trained Staff
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  • 3 Signs To Hire HVAC Contractor For Ductwork Cleaning

    Your HVAC ductwork plays a crucial role in circulating warm and cool air throughout your home depending on the season to achieve desired room temperatures. The air ducts span your home to ensure that every room is sufficiently cooled or warmed through season transitions. For this reason, the air ducts should be routinely maintained to ensure sufficient airflow throughout the house. When you have a designated HVAC contractor, you can rest easy knowing that the air ducts will remain in excellent condition.
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  • Are You A Business Owner? Check Out The Reasons To Install A Rooftop HVAC Unit

    If you're running a large business and looking for ways to effectively heat your space, consider investing in the rooftop HVAC system. Unlike housing the units inside the building, rooftop units offer a lot of benefits. If this is something you have been thinking about, this guide will share the common reasons why it's a great decision. They're Less Prone To Damage and Heavy Dirt Buildup When your units are on the ground, they can be vandalized, and it's still possible for your employees to accidentally damage them.
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  • Know How To Deal With The Central HVAC System In Your New Place

    If you are new to having central heating and air conditioning, then you might be wondering about a lot of things. Learning about the HVAC system is something that you should try to do as soon as possible. This will give you the knowledge needed to take care of it the way you should be and to catch on to problems sooner so they can be repaired before things get much worse.
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  • 3 Signs You Need An Emergency Electrician To Come To Your House

    It is crucial that you are calling for emergency residential electrical services if you have certain types of issues going on with the electrical system. To help make sure you know when that time might be, you will want to review the following: There Are Warm Outlets Even if there is a lot of electricity being pulled through an outlet, it should not be warm to the touch. To make sure that the outlets in your home are fine, you will want to lightly touch the back of your hand to the outlet.
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  • Residential AC Services: All You Need to Know About Mold Growth In the Air Ducts

    One of the components in an air conditioner is the air duct. It ensures quality air in your home by sucking the dirty and warm air in, cleaning it, and cooling it before sending it back to circulation. However, you have to maintain your air ducts in good shape to keep them working efficiently. Failing to do this can lead to uneven air distribution, hiked electric bills, irritating noise, and mold growth.
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  • Signs Of Poor Air Conditioning Installation

    Poor installation is, in many cases, the reason for performance challenges in air conditioning units. Your air conditioning unit could be new and modern, but if it is not well set up, you might have a range of issues and end up using more money to repair damage. This article examines a couple of indicators that your AC unit is poorly installed.  Professional Services  You may sometimes decide to do things by yourself to satisfy your curiosity.
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