Can You Install An Air Conditioner With Your Current Furnace?

Posted on: 1 November 2016

If your home currently has forced air heating and you want air conditioning, the easiest solution is often to add a central air conditioner to your system. However, adding central air with an existing furnace does have its intricacies, and HVAC companies often prefer to replace the furnace and AC unit together. Simply adding an AC unit to your current furnace might be an option – depending on a few factors.
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3 Tips for Choosing a Heating System for a Children's Playroom

Posted on: 10 October 2016

Having a playroom in your home for your children to spend time in can be a great idea. Not only do you confine their toys and messes to a certain location, but your children will also have their own space where they can let their creativity roam. Ensuring that the playroom is properly heated is one of the first things you should do before decorating it. Here are 3 tips to keep in mind when choosing a heating system.
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Climate Control And COPD

Posted on: 6 August 2016

While many people find that living without AC in the summer and proper heating in the winter to be extremely uncomfortable, others truly cannot survive without adequate climate control. This fact is particularly true to those people suffering from COPD. If you or a family member have this condition, you must work with your HVAC professional to keep your system working properly. COPD Triggers Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease means that sufferers cannot properly inhale or exhale oxygen.
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Freezing Air Condensing Coils

Posted on: 12 July 2016

Sometimes during the summer your air conditioner starts to freeze up. When that happens, your air conditioner doesn't work right, doesn't cool your house, and could potentially be damaged. There are several things that can cause the condenser coils on your air conditioner to freeze. Those things can include limited air flow and dirty condenser coils. Most of the problems are easily fixed, but if the problem continues, you will need to have an AC repair person to come out to your house to check the system and see what's going on.
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