Signs Of Poor Air Conditioning Installation

Posted on: 31 January 2022


Poor installation is, in many cases, the reason for performance challenges in air conditioning units. Your air conditioning unit could be new and modern, but if it is not well set up, you might have a range of issues and end up using more money to repair damage. This article examines a couple of indicators that your AC unit is poorly installed. 

Professional Services 

You may sometimes decide to do things by yourself to satisfy your curiosity. A couple of friends could join you in installing your latest air conditioning unit as they demonstrate how they did it themselves. 

Although this is a learning opportunity that also saves you money upfront, in the end, it could be an expensive undertaking requiring repairs and replacements due to a poorly done job. Working with certified professionals will cost you in the short term but save you a lot of money in the long term. 

Working with an insured company guarantees that you get a fair contract, and in case of errors, the company will pay the bill for repairs. Poorly installed air conditioning units will not have professionals involved, and any guarantees made will not be in writing. 


If your air conditioning unit leaks, it is often a sign of poor installation. Leaks are an indication of a lack of needed refrigerant. Adding refrigerant to solve the problem may result in more problems if it is not done well. AC contractors will better handle your air conditioning unit; they will repair the leak and correctly charge your unit with refrigerant. Your AC unit refrigerant charge performs better when it matches the manufacturer's specifications. 

A missing drip pan is a sure indicator of poor installation. This secondary pan serves to collect water produced by your air conditioning unit in the process of condensation. Mold and extensive water damage are sure to happen where a drip pan is either poorly installed or missing altogether. A clogged condensate drain will work against your air conditioning unit. Check your drip pan and ensure your condensate drain is properly mounted to avoid water damage. 

Air conditioning contractors help with condensate drain and drip pans in air conditioning units. If your installation was done without professional help, you will likely notice some of the challenges mentioned above. Do it yourself (DIY) maintenance work or installation, though appearing to be cheap, eventually costs a lot. Get experts to give you a hand.

Contact a residential air conditioning company in your area to learn more.