Residential Air Conditioning Repairs When Electrical AC Components Fail
Posted on: 29 June 2021
If you have problems with your AC, it could be due to issues with wiring and electrical problems. These problems can be failing parts like a capacitor or circuit boards that fail. Other issues like damaged wires cause other problems with AC electrical systems. The following AC electrical repairs might be some of the issues that you need to have repaired with your system:
Failing AC Capacitors and Other Electrical Parts
The AC capacitors can be one of the main components that cause air conditioning failures. When your system stops suddenly in the middle of summer heat, it is often a problem with the culprit's capacitor. Damaged capacitors can also cause other issues with HVAC systems, such as the heating not turning on. This often happens when you need it during the winter months or when temperatures start to get colder.
Damaged AC Electrical Circuit Boards
Modern AC systems also use various electrical circuit boards, which can fail and cause issues with your systems. The circuit boards control the electrical circuits of your HVAC system and are vulnerable to problems if a power surge causes damage to them. Therefore, you may need to have these components replaced when there is a problem with your system.
Repairing Damaged AC Wiring
Several areas of your AC system can also have problems with the electrical wiring. Anywhere there are electrical wires can be the source of problems with the HVAC system. There are some areas where the electrical wiring is more vulnerable to damage, such as the outdoor unit. Your AC unit is vulnerable to damage due to the weather and pests. Therefore, it should be one of the first areas you check for this type of damage. You also want to check the wiring of any AC equipment installed in the attic or other areas.
Problems with Thermostat and Controllers of AC Systems
There might also be several issues with the thermostat and other controls of your system. If your AC has a wired thermostat, have the wires to it checked to ensure they are not damaged. Some modern HVAC systems also have sensors for things like humidity and interior climate readings. Sometimes, these can be damaged, and they might be the cause of problems with the operation of your AC system.
The electrical problems with your AC system can cause failures during hot weather. Contact a company like A1 Zuzu Plumbing, Heating and Air to learn more.