When Is The Right Time To Replace Your Air Conditioner?

Posted on: 30 July 2018


Each and every summer, your air conditioner works hard to keep your home cool and comfortable no matter how hot outdoor temperatures get. There will come a time, however, when your air conditioner is no longer able to provide the cooling performance you've come to expect from it.

Knowing when it's time for your air conditioner to throw in the towel can help make the transition to a newer unit a bit easier. Look for the following signs to know when the time is right to get an air conditioning replacement.

1. When Discomfort Becomes Commonplace

There's no worse feeling on a hot summer day than the blast of lukewarm air from your air conditioner's vents, especially when you're expecting ice-cold airflow. Lukewarm air is usually a sign of a major A/C malfunction—compressor failure is a common culprit for most air conditioning failures, for instance.

If you regularly experience discomfort due to a malfunctioning air conditioner, then it may be time to have your unit replaced with something a bit more reliable.

2. If Your Electric Bills Continue to Skyrocket

It's not unusual for air conditioners to use more energy than they were originally rated for as they get older. Cumulative wear and tear on crucial components, for instance, can cause your air conditioner to draw more energy just to maintain its original level of performance.

With heating and cooling making up nearly half of the average home's energy expenses, an air conditioner with a steadily growing appetite for electricity can cause your monthly energy bills to increase dramatically.

3. When Repairs Cost More Than Replacement

An inexpensive repair or two offers an affordable way of keeping your A/C system in service. If the cost of repairing your A/C system exceeds the purchase price and installation costs of a brand-new unit, it may be time to reconsider those repairs.

4. When Your A/C Needs Constant Repairs

Speaking of repairs, it's also worth noting how often you need to call your HVAC technician just to keep your air conditioner alive. If your A/C system needed multiple, major repairs within the past few years, then it may be time for a change.

5. After 10 to 15 Years of Use

Most air conditioners are designed with a lifespan of around 15 years. Some units can last even longer given the right amount of maintenance and upkeep. It's not unusual to encounter air conditioning systems in the wild that have spent 30 years or more in service. However, you should consider replacing your A/C system if it's been 10 years since installation.